Channel: Raw Story
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Louisiana lawmakers kill repeal of unconstitutional creationism law

The Louisiana House Education Committee killed a measure to repeal a 1981 creationism law on Wednesday, even though the Supreme Court had ruled it was unconstitutional. “There’s no good reason to keep an unconstitutional law on the books,” Josh Rosenau, programs and policy...

Radiation measurements suggest new obstacle in human trip to Mars

Astronauts who travel on future missions to Mars would likely be exposed to their lifetime limit of radiation during the trip, not to mention time spent on the Red Planet, scientists said Thursday. The measurements were made aboard the Mars Science Laboratory, an unmanned NASA rover and mobile lab...

Topless feminist protester goes on trial in Tunisia

A young Tunisian woman with the topless protest group Femen went on trial Thursday for illegal possession of pepper spray, sparking angry Salafist demonstrators to demand she face stiffer charges under Islamic law. In Tunis, three European members of the group, two French and one German, were due...

Elon Musk: Humanity has two options, become multiplanetary or go extinct

Tech entrepreneur and SpaceX founder Elon Musk on Wednesday discussed his desire to create a self-sustaining human civilization on the planet Mars. “The future of humanity is going to bifurcate in two directions for life as we know it. Either it’s going to become multiplanetary, or it’s going...

Conservative minister: Christians can’t drink Starbucks

Evangelical Christian minister and author David Barton recently told an Alabama congregation they couldn’t drink Starbucks because the company was attacking God. “Biblically, there is no way a Christian can help support what is attacking God,” Barton said, according to Right Wing...

Fox News host Eric Bolling: Single female breadwinners ‘pushing towards more abortions’

Commenting on the rise of “breadwinner moms,” Fox News host Eric Bolling speculated the socioeconomic development would result in more abortions. “If you read into that study… the reason is exactly what we’ve been talking about right here, the breakdown of the American...

All-electric coast-to-coast: Tesla Motors to triple number of supercharger stations

The electric car maker Tesla plans to swiftly multiply its supercharger stations across the US so drivers can travel coast to coast without worrying about losing power. CEO Elon Musk said the company would triple the number of stations by June and expand again to have them in most cities in the US...

Republicans to double spending in effort to convert Latino voters

The Republicans are to double spending at state level in an effort to woo crucial Latino voters for the 2014 elections, the party announced on Thursday. Republicans have been making a big push for the votes of minority groups since defeat in November’s White House election that saw more than...

California Senate votes to revoke Boy Scouts tax exempt status

The Boy Scouts of America would lose tax exempt privileges in California under a bill approved Thursday by the state’s Senate. “While the Boy Scouts of America took a step in the right direction to include LGBT youth, the standing ban on LGBT adults is premised on absurd assumptions and...

Republican congressman warns of ‘global totalitarians massed in New York City’

Representative Steve Stockman (R-TX) on Thursday portrayed the United Nations as a tyrannical international body intent on grabbing Americans guns. “The right to keep and bear arms is granted by God and protecting from government aggression by the Constitution,” he said in a statement....

Google coming out with two new Android phones

Google revealed Thursday that it has two new sophisticated Android smartphones in the works, one of which will have the unprecedented distinction of being made in the United States. An HTC One smartphone customized to be “Google’s take on Android” will make its US debut on June 26...

Hagel accuses China of cyber-espionage

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel accused Beijing of involvement in cyber espionage in a speech at a Singapore security forum attended by Chinese military officials. Stepping up US pressure on China over electronic espionage ahead of a summit between their leaders next week, Hagel pointedly blamed...

Latvia makes another attempt to catch hacker ‘Neo’

Latvia takes second crack at whistle-blowing 'hacker' Neo (via The Christian Science Monitor) Three years after his whistle-blowing “hack” of Latvian government information as the pseudonymous “Neo,” computer scientist Ilmars Poikans is back in prosecutors’...

Istanbul park demolition spurs protests across Turkey

By Constanze Letsch, The Guardian Demonstrations against Erdogan government in several cities as riot officers use tear gas to control protesters in Istanbul Turkey has been engulfed by a series of protests across several cities after riot police turned Istanbul’s busiest city centre hub into...

Maher slams George W. Bush for hypocrisy of ‘nauseating’ ride with disabled veterans

Hearing that former president George W. Bush went on a motorcycle ride with a group of disabled Iraq war veterans did not sit well with Real Time host Bill Maher on Friday. “I found this to be nauseating,” Maher said of Bush’s appearance at the Warrior 100K Ride in Texas....

Watch: Storm chasers in Oklahoma navigate through tornado

Footage released on Friday captured one storm-chasing team’s attempts to drive near Union City, Oklahoma, in the midst of the “supercell”-driven tornadoes that tore through the state on Friday. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness,” says Brandon Sullivan to his partner,...

Tar sands project suffers setback as British Columbia rejects pipeline

Canadian province rejects plan for Enbridge Northern Gateway, saying company failed to demonstrate adequate clean-up plan Efforts to expand production from the Alberta tar sands suffered a significant setback on Friday when the provincial government of British Columbia rejected a pipeline project...

Lou Reed recovering after liver transplant

Musician, 71, underwent life-saving surgery last month in Cleveland, says wife Laurie Anderson Lou Reed, the US songwriter, poet and vocalist with the Velvet Underground, had a liver transplant last month, according to his wife, the musician and performance artist Laurie Anderson. “It’s...

Mother and baby among 5 dead in Oklahoma tornadoes

Tornadoes killed at least five people and wreaked massive damage in Oklahoma near the battered city of Moore, still recovering from a monster twister less than two weeks ago. The Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s office confirmed the death toll, but said it had no further details on the victims....

‘Knights Templar’ among those singled out by U.S. government for suspected drug trafficking

The United States designated six individuals and groups, including a prominent steroids dealer, for sanctions Friday, freezing their US assets and barring trade with Americans. The Knights Templar of Mexico, Colombia’s Los Urabenos and Los Cachiros of Honduras were singled out for sanctions...
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