Obama appoints Washington attorney as special envoy to close Guantanamo prison
WSJ editorial writer: Military sexual assault reports are part of ‘war on men’
Republicans’ latest abortion ban is staggeringly stupid
Houston man arrested for threatening to kidnap and murder Ted Cruz
Beck: Immigrants ‘learned from the Klan… they are just changing their hood’
Republican mentions suffering of Jesus amid anti-abortion speech on House floor
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) on Tuesday assured those effected by abortion that they could be healed by the power of Jesus Christ. In a speech on the House floor, Republican congressman said he supported the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act because research had found that a fetus was capable...
Google asks court for permission to publish government data requests
Tesla Motors to unveil new method to quickly recharge electric cars
Immigration office tells atheist applicant to prove church membership
A woman who has lived in the United States for 30 years and now hopes to become a naturalized citizen has run into a road block: her lack of religion. Margaret Doughty, 65, of Palacios, Texas applied to become a citizen of the United States, but on her application she did not agree to bears arms in...
Chrysler agrees to recall of 2.7 million Jeeps
Winds on Venus have accelerated to 250 mph over the past six years
Virginia Republican pleads guilty to dozens of counts of voter fraud
Alleged Klansman accused of inventing truck-mounted death ray for Israel
Parents must teach their children about porn and consent
Study uncovers anti-black attitudes among tea party supporters — but not members
Associated Press CEO: Sources will no longer speak to us because of phone monitoring
Serena Williams apologizes for saying Steubenville rape victim was ‘lucky’
World number one Serena Williams, a 16-time Grand Slam singles champion preparing to defend her title at Wimbledon, made an apology on Wednesday for comments in Rolling Stone magazine about a rape case. Williams was quoted regarding a case in Steubenville, Ohio, in a story about her posted online...
HPV declining among U.S. teens thanks to vaccine
Head of ‘ex-gay therapy’ group apologizes for causing the suffering of LGBT people
Three U.S. Naval Academy football players charged with raping unconscious woman