Florida man accused of killing and cooking family dog
Prop. 8 backers ask Supreme Court to stop new same sex marriages
Dept. of Agriculture approves horse slaughterhouse amid lawsuit threat
Battle of Gettysburg re-enactment shows lingering racial tensions
Wendy Davis: Texas GOP anti-abortion law is ‘big government intrusion’
Rival bands of Egyptian protesters steel themselves for battle on Sunday
Croatia to join European Union on Sunday
Coulter: Immigration push gives Democrats ’30 million unskilled, law-breaking voters’
Researchers find star system with 3 ‘Super Earths’
Anti-government protests continue in Istanbul
Vanderbilt suspends four football players amid sex crime investigation
Unique institute unites capitalists who want to save the world
Chad’s former dictator arrested in Senegal
Study: Mega-quakes behind ‘sinking volcano’ phenomenon
Gulf states, EU agree to push Syria peace talks
The Gulf Arab nations and the European Union pledged Sunday to pool their efforts to help convene a peace conference on Syria, as they wrapped up a one-day ministerial meeting in Bahrain. The gathering attended by EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and the foreign ministers of the six-nation...
Obama urges Africa’s leaders to ‘serve their people’
Supreme Court shoots down last-ditch effort to stop same sex marriage in California
New NSA leak documents show how the US is bugging its European allies
By Ewen MacAskill in Rio de Janeiro and Julian Borger US intelligence services are spying on the European Union mission in New York and its embassy in Washington, according to the latest top secret US National Security Agency documents leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden. One document lists...
Germany blasts U.S. for spying on officials ‘like a Cold War enemy’
Thousands expected at Texas Capitol as sweeping abortion bill returns