George Zimmerman’s brother thinks Obama ‘tapped’ his phones
Jim Cramer of CNBC insists that Elizabeth Warren takedown ‘had NO impact’
Utah lawmaker calls for an end to compulsory education
Snoop: Zimmerman prosecution was lacking because Trayvon Martin was black
UN ambassador nominee Samantha Power criticizes world body’s ‘unacceptable’ anti-Israel bias
School board members among 109 New Jerseyans faking income for free school meal program
Florida highway closed after drone crashes with still-active ‘small self-destruct charge’
Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on controversial ‘Rolling Stone’ cover
Rachel Jeantel schools Limbaugh on the N-word: ‘It is racist for an adult’ to use it
Bolshoi violinist dies in tragic orchestra fall
New York pedophile pleads guilty to raping girl and murdering her mother
New York resident David Renz, 29, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to allegations that he raped a 10-year-old girl and murdered her mother, in a broad-daylight attack that began in a shopping mall parking lot. The attack began after Renz removed an electronic tracking device affixed to his ankle, then...
Judge tells Bradley Manning she won’t dismiss charges of ‘aiding the enemy’ in leaks trial
Issa’s own IRS witnesses deny ‘political motives’ against tea party
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) was told by his own witnesses on Thursday that there was no political motivation behind the scrutiny of tea party groups applying for tax exempt status. In a USA Today op-ed on Wednesday, the California Republican sought...
Key prosecution witness in ‘Whitey’ Bulger trial found dead
Australian firm launches ‘anti-shark’ wetsuits
Coalition seeks release of surveillance data
Young generation gets into spirit of Mandela day
Bryan Fischer: Americans have a ‘patriotic duty to worship God’
FEMA caught using old data for new flood maps that cost homeowners untold sums in extra insurance premiums
Massachusetts man says Stevie Nicks told him to steal ferry boat