Channel: Raw Story
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Hate the wall-to-wall coverage of the royal baby? Watch John Oliver destroy it

The Daily Show host John Oliver on Tuesday night mocked the media’s coverage of the newly born son of Prince William and Kate Middleton. He said the pomp surrounding the birth was like a “royal f*ck you” to every other baby born that day. Though Oliver hoped the birth of the royal...

Gillibrand compares military opposition to anti-sexual assault measures to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

On a conference call with military sexual assault survivors, advocates and journalists on Wednesday evening, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) compared the resistance to legislation that would take reporting sexual assault out of the chain of command in the military to resistance to the...

New York media calls on Anthony Weiner to pull out of mayoral race

Anthony Weiner was under intense pressure to abandon his improbable run for mayor of New York on Wednesday as his rivals, and the city’s press, turned on him after the publication of a new, explicit self-taken picture. Three of Weiner’s fellow mayoral candidates called for him to quit...

Federal report: E-Verify errors could wrongly exclude Americans from jobs

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants who are legally entitled to work in America could be debarred from jobs as a result of errors in a federal database designed to weed out unauthorised individuals from the workforce, according to new government research. Reports published by the US Citizenship and...

Trayvon Martin’s father hopes something positive will result from his son’s death

By Deborah Zabarenko WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The racially charged shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was the focus of a congressional hearing on Wednesday, where Martin’s father vowed to find a way his son’s death could lead to positive changes for other black American...

California state senator: Dangerous chemicals being pumped underground without oversight

By Rory Carroll SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – California oil and gas regulators have failed to monitor practices used to access shale oil, including the injection of dangerous chemicals underground, a state senator said Thursday, urging passage of her proposed oversight legislation. Fran Pavley,...

Republican: NSA mass spying ‘precisely the way our government ought to operate’

Representative Mike Pompeo (R-KS) on Wednesday defended the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance program, saying it complied with U.S. law. “I want to make clear to everyone that contrary to the suggestions of some, the NSA has not been acting outside the scope of its...

Family rescued by George Zimmerman afraid of making him a hero

A family in Florida that was reportedly rescued by George Zimmerman cancelled a planned news conference on Wednesday, apparently over concerns about being associated with the neighborhood watchman. Attorney Mark O’Mara on CNN denied rumors that the car wreck was staged in order to...

Giant penis on the local news illustrates the danger of touchscreens

Technology isn’t always your friend. One local reporter found that out the hard way on Tuesday night while using a touchscreen television to report on construction in downtown Saginaw, Michigan. Her reporting resulted in something typically seen scrawled on a bathroom stalls: a poorly drawn,...

Cyclist doping revelations a shock to no one

When the names of the cyclists whose retroactively tested blood samples had come up positive for EPO became known, there was a palpable and collective sense of nothing new. There were no surprises, no scandalous revelations, no intrigue, no ambiguity. The results merely confirmed what was either...

John Oliver mocks sleaze factory Anthony Weiner over latest sexting scandal

Wednesday night on The Daily Show, host John Oliver gleefully mocked New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner over his latest sexting scandal. “He did it again? Why did he even need to do that? Who did he think had possibly not seen his photo from last time?” Oliver remarked. At...

Sex research pioneer Virginia Johnson dies at 88

Virginia Johnson, who with her ex-husband and research partner William Masters blazed new trails in the study of human sexuality, has died at the age of 88, US media reported. Saint Louis Public Radio said Thursday her death was confirmed by her son Scott Johnson and by a retirement home in the...

There Is No Such Thing As Radical Feminism Anymore

Edited to add: Or put more bluntly, to call anti-trans women “radical feminist” is to suggest they are somehow more feminist than those of us who accept transwomen into the fold. I refuse to agree to that, utterly and completely. This keeps coming up and up and up, so I’m going to...

More than 3,700 Marilyn Monroe photos to be auctioned in Los Angeles

ore than 3,700 photos of American pop icon Marilyn Monroe will be sold this weekend along with their copyrights, a Los Angeles auction house said Thursday. The photos — plus negatives, slides and copyrights — are part of a collection of more than 75,000 images taken by fashion...

Pope Francis condemns ‘culture of individualism’ that creates economic inequality

Pope Francis has made his strongest condemnation yet of inequality when he used a visit to a Brazilian slum to denounce the “culture of selfishness” that is widening the gap between rich and poor. The first Latin American pope, who once worked with slum dwellers in his home city of...

Neuroscientists discover how to implant false memories in the brain

Scientists have implanted a false memory in the brains of mice in an experiment that they hope will shed light on the well-documented phenomenon whereby people “remember” events or experiences that have never happened. False memories are a major problem with witness statements in courts...

Cenk Uygur: ‘It’s over’ if Obama appoints Larry Summers to the Federal Reserve

No one can claim President Barack Obama is a progressive if Larry Summers ends up at the Federal Reserve, Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks said on Thursday. “If he appoints Larry Summers it is over,” he remarked. “There is no one that can make the case that President Obama is...

San Diego Democrats hold meeting to decide whether to rebuke Mayor Bob Filner

By Marty Graham SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – Democratic Party bosses and elected officials from San Diego County planned to meet on Thursday evening to decide whether to urge embattled Mayor Bob Filner to resign over allegations that he sexually harassed a former aide and at least two other women....

John Oliver lambastes Goldman Sachs for screwing America without fear of jail

Thursday night on The Daily Show, host John Oliver launched a blistering attack on the big banks by noting an important change to the board game Monopoly: the jail is being removed. “Yes, you heard right,” he remarked. “The game designed to teach children how capitalism works has...

Women in combat no later than 2016: Pentagon

Female soldiers from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, train on a firing range while testing new body armor in Fort Campbell, Ky., in preparation for their deployment to Afghanistan 2012 file photo. Women…  
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