Hate the wall-to-wall coverage of the royal baby? Watch John Oliver destroy it
Gillibrand compares military opposition to anti-sexual assault measures to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
New York media calls on Anthony Weiner to pull out of mayoral race
Federal report: E-Verify errors could wrongly exclude Americans from jobs
Hundreds of thousands of immigrants who are legally entitled to work in America could be debarred from jobs as a result of errors in a federal database designed to weed out unauthorised individuals from the workforce, according to new government research. Reports published by the US Citizenship and...
Trayvon Martin’s father hopes something positive will result from his son’s death
California state senator: Dangerous chemicals being pumped underground without oversight
Republican: NSA mass spying ‘precisely the way our government ought to operate’
Family rescued by George Zimmerman afraid of making him a hero
Giant penis on the local news illustrates the danger of touchscreens
Cyclist doping revelations a shock to no one
John Oliver mocks sleaze factory Anthony Weiner over latest sexting scandal
Sex research pioneer Virginia Johnson dies at 88
There Is No Such Thing As Radical Feminism Anymore
More than 3,700 Marilyn Monroe photos to be auctioned in Los Angeles
Pope Francis condemns ‘culture of individualism’ that creates economic inequality
Neuroscientists discover how to implant false memories in the brain
Cenk Uygur: ‘It’s over’ if Obama appoints Larry Summers to the Federal Reserve
San Diego Democrats hold meeting to decide whether to rebuke Mayor Bob Filner
John Oliver lambastes Goldman Sachs for screwing America without fear of jail
Women in combat no later than 2016: Pentagon