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Pakistani court acquits Muslim cleric in blasphemy case

A Pakistan court acquitted a Muslim cleric who accused a Christian girl of blasphemy before he himself was arrested on similar charges, a lawyer said. The girl, Rimsha Masih, was arrested in August 2012 for allegedly burning pages containing Koranic verses but the case against her, which drew...

Khalid Sheikh Muhammad’s lawyers: CIA gave ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ makers more info than his defense

GUANTANAMO BAY U.S. NAVAL BASE, Cuba (Reuters) – Prosecutors in the Guantanamo war crimes tribunal are pushing the judge to set a September 2014 trial date in the 9/11 case, a decision that could hinge on how deeply the defense is allowed to delve into the defendants’ treatment in...

Poachers can’t get this one: Black rhino baby born in Atlanta zoo

By Noreen O’Donnell (Reuters) – An eastern black rhinoceros has been born at Atlanta’s zoo for the first time in the facility’s history, spurring hopes of renewed interest in the fate of the critically endangered animal. The calf, which was born on Saturday night, appears to...

Hemant Mehta on rising atheism among millenials: ‘It’s not that Christianity is unpopular, it’s that it’s untrue.’

Dueling young columnists discussed the rise of atheism among millenials Sunday morning on CNN. Rachel Evans, an evangelical blogger, attributed the number of millenials abandoning the church to a loss of connection to the traditional religious values of service and spiritual connection, and not...

Police say man caught downloading child porn on his phone while being interviewed by police

Perhaps, when one is being interviewed by police about the thousands of child pornography images police appear to have discovered on one’s computer, it is advisable to turn off your phone. A public defender entered Walter Louis Gafvert III’s not guilty plea to the felony count of...

New Zealand same-sex couples tie the knot

AFP – Dozens of same-sex couples said “I do” Monday as New Zealand became the first Asia-Pacific country, and only the 14th in the world, to legalise gay marriage. Vows were exchanged in venues ranging from an airliner cruising at 30,000 feet (9,150 metres) to a historic bath...

Bipartisan calls to cut off Egyptian aid emerge after military crackdown

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A growing bipartisan chorus of U.S. lawmakers said on Sunday that the United States should suspend its $1.5 billion in military and economic aid to Egypt following a violent crackdown on protesters that has left nearly 800 dead. Senator John McCain, a top Republican on...

Germany will be first European country to recognize babies as gender ‘undetermined’ come November

From 1 November babies born in Germany without clear gender-determining characteristics will be able to be registered Germany will become the first country in Europe to join a small group of nations which recognise a third or “undetermined” sex when registering births, according to a...

‘Breaking Bad’ Creator Vince Gilligan on the series’ end: ‘There will be blood’

Why viewers still identify with Walter White, his plans for a Saul Goodman spin-off – and why it’s time to end the hit series now. By John Plunkett It was described by one television executive as the worst idea for a show he had ever heard. Now Breaking Bad, the everyday story of a...

Give Filner the hook: Recall campaign begins against San Diego mayor over sexual harassment allegations

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – A campaign seeking to recall San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, who has resisted mounting pressure to resign over sexual harassment allegations, shifted into high hear on Sunday as organizers began collecting signatures for a petition demanding his ouster. Recall proponents...

Ohio man finds 300 pound load of marijuana stashed in gun safe he bought on the Internet

By George Tanber TOLEDO, Ohio (Reuters) – A man in western Ohio found nearly 300 pounds of marijuana stuffed into a Mexican-made gun-storage safe that he recently purchased on the Internet, authorities revealed on Sunday. The 1,000-pound steel safe, ordered from Champion Safe Co. of Provo,...

Hurricane Sandy task force calls for stronger homes to withstand worsening storms

A taskforce created by President Obama in the wake of superstorm Sandy has issued a report with 69 policy initiatives centered around one major recommendation: to construct stronger buildings in anticipation of more extreme storms. The report, published on Monday by the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding...

Flooding of coastal cities to cost $1 trillion in damages by 2050: study

By 2050, flood damage in the world’s coastal cities is expected to reach $1 trillion a year as sea levels rise and global warming triggers new extremes of heat, windstorm and rain. More than 40% of these prodigious costs could fall upon just four cities – New Orleans, Miami and New York in...

David Miranda: I was treated like a threat to the United Kingdom

David Miranda, the partner of the Guardian journalist who broke stories of mass surveillance by the US National Security Agency, has accused Britain of a “total abuse of power” for interrogating him for almost nine hours at Heathrow under the Terrorism Act. In his first interview since...

Black singer says white woman assaulted him over Trayvon Martin song

By Ronnie Cohen SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – An African American performer who was shoved after he dedicated a song to slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin at a California music festival filed a lawsuit on Monday against the white woman who he said assaulted him onstage. Prosecutors have...

Judge: California can force-fed inmates on hunger strike

By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO (Reuters) – California authorities won court approval on Monday to force-feed some prisoners on a hunger strike after officials voiced concerns that the inmates may have been coerced into refusing food in a protest against the state’s solitary confinement...

The earliest iron artifact ever found was made from a meteorite

The earliest iron artefacts ever found — funeral beads strung around bodies in a 5,000-year-old Egyptian cemetery — were made from a meteorite, archaeologists said on Monday. Hi-tech scanning of the beads, discovered by British archaeologists in the Lower Egypt village of el-Gerzeh in...

B-1B Lancer bomber crashes in Montana

A US Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber crashed on Monday in the northern state of Montana but its four-strong crew managed to eject before impact, the military said. The plane had taken off from Ellsworth Air Force base, home of the 28th Bomb Wing, on what was described as a routine training mission....

Cenk Uygur calls out TIME magazine reporter for supporting drone strike on Julian Assange

The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur on Monday blasted a TIME magazine reporter who said he couldn’t “wait to write a defense of the drone strike that takes out” Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Michael Grunwald made the comment Saturday on Twitter, sparking a huge backlash. Grunwald...

Arizona Minuteman arrested for pointing AR-15 rifle at sheriff’s deputy

A member of a Minutemen militia was arrested Saturday night for allegedly pointing his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle at a Maricopa County sheriff’s deputy. Richard Malley, 49, and two other group members were patrolling the area along Interstate 8 in search of illegal activity when two deputies...
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