Pakistani court acquits Muslim cleric in blasphemy case
Khalid Sheikh Muhammad’s lawyers: CIA gave ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ makers more info than his defense
Poachers can’t get this one: Black rhino baby born in Atlanta zoo
Hemant Mehta on rising atheism among millenials: ‘It’s not that Christianity is unpopular, it’s that it’s untrue.’
Police say man caught downloading child porn on his phone while being interviewed by police
New Zealand same-sex couples tie the knot
Bipartisan calls to cut off Egyptian aid emerge after military crackdown
Germany will be first European country to recognize babies as gender ‘undetermined’ come November
‘Breaking Bad’ Creator Vince Gilligan on the series’ end: ‘There will be blood’
Give Filner the hook: Recall campaign begins against San Diego mayor over sexual harassment allegations
Ohio man finds 300 pound load of marijuana stashed in gun safe he bought on the Internet
Hurricane Sandy task force calls for stronger homes to withstand worsening storms
A taskforce created by President Obama in the wake of superstorm Sandy has issued a report with 69 policy initiatives centered around one major recommendation: to construct stronger buildings in anticipation of more extreme storms. The report, published on Monday by the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding...
Flooding of coastal cities to cost $1 trillion in damages by 2050: study
David Miranda: I was treated like a threat to the United Kingdom
Black singer says white woman assaulted him over Trayvon Martin song
Judge: California can force-fed inmates on hunger strike
The earliest iron artifact ever found was made from a meteorite
B-1B Lancer bomber crashes in Montana
Cenk Uygur calls out TIME magazine reporter for supporting drone strike on Julian Assange
Arizona Minuteman arrested for pointing AR-15 rifle at sheriff’s deputy