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New Mexico cops open fire on minivan full of kids at traffic stop for speeding

Several New Mexico State Police officers are under investigation after at least one of them fired shots at a minivan full of children last month. According to KRQE, an officer pulled over Oriana Ferrell in Taos for going 71 mph in a 55 mph zone on Oct. 28. Ferrell had brought her five children from...

Epic drug war rant: Watch Ethan Nadelmann destroy the ‘failed prohibitionist policy’

The drug policy reform movement isn’t simply made up of people hoping to get high legally, according to Ethan Nadelmann. The executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance says the movement includes people who hate drugs and even people who “don’t give a damn” about drugs....

North Dakota white supremacist faces terrorizing charges after bothering neighbors with guns

A neo-Nazi who’s hoping to set up a whites-only community in North Dakota has been arrested following confrontations with other residents. Craig Cobb and another white supremacist, Kynan Dutton, were taken into custody Saturday afternoon after residents of the town where they’ve moved called 911 to...

Racist graffiti on 13-year-old football player’s home being investigated as hate crime

School officials in Lunenburg, Massachusetts have postponed football games until the people responsible for hateful words — “Knights don’t need n*****r” — spray-painted on the home of a biracial football player are discovered. The message — which is now being...

Toronto crack mayor could lose more powers in council vote

Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford could see even more of his powers stripped Monday as the city council considers further sanctions against him following admissions of crack cocaine smoking and binge drinking. An overwhelming majority of councillors voted last week to curb his official duties and...

UN climate chief: Coal power has ‘an unacceptably high cost to human and environmental health’

The United Nations’ climate chief urged the coal industry on Monday to make dramatic changes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions amid protests at a coal summit held on the sidelines of global climate talks. As environmental activists clamoured outside the meeting venue, the UN’s...

Researchers find being exposed to fast food symbols makes it harder to appreciate everyday joys

Success, in the Western world, means “gaining time,” according to French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard. The faster we do things — work, eat, sleep, read — the more time we “gain.” But this focus on time efficiency could be making the small things in life harder to enjoy. A trio of Canadian...

Scientist proposes ‘SETI Lottery Bond’ to fund search for extraterrestrial life

In an article for the Journal of British Interplanetary Studies, Jacob Haqq-Misra proposes to fund the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) project by issuing a bond that pays out when proof of intelligent life on other planets is discovered. The proposed bond is a “lottery...

Elian Gonzalez blames U.S. law for childhood ordeal

Elian Gonzalez, who at age six sparked an international custody battle that ended in his dramatic return to Cuba, blamed a US law for his mother’s death in an interview posted Monday. In November 1999, Gonzalez was plucked from the sea off Florida’s coast after an overcrowded motorboat...

Ted Cruz: Obama is ‘lawless’ and senators must ‘render judgement’ on impeachment

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) opened the door over the weekend to impeaching President Barack Obama because he said that the commander in chief had been “lawless.” In an interview published on Saturday, Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg asked Cruz what could be done about the “abuse of...

Germany’s bling bishop settles court case over lying under oath

Germany’s embattled “bling bishop” Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst has settled a court case over lying under oath with a 20,000-euro ($27,000) payment, the court said Monday. The Roman Catholic bishop has also been under fire for extravagant spending on his official residence and was...

WATCH LIVE: NASA counts down to launch of Mars orbiter

NASA on Monday began the countdown to the launch of a new Mars spacecraft on a mission to study how the air on the Red Planet has changed over time. Researchers have described the mission as a search for a missing piece to the puzzle of what happened to Mars’ atmosphere, perhaps billions of...

Tea party activist says his rally will send Obama to Iran and usher in new right-wing government

Right-wing activist Larry Klayman is so sure his long-planned “second American revolution” will succeed Tuesday that he’s calling for a “Constitutional congress” to plan for life after President Barack Obama. The founder of Judicial Watch says he’s gathered a coalition of conservative and...

The Anti-Abortion Movement’s Conformist Bent

The anti-choice movement, at its core, is primarily a movement motivated by authoritarianism and conformity. The argument of pro-choicers—that people should have the right to determine for themselves things like whether or not to become pregnant or bring a pregnancy in their own body to...

TV host Melissa Bachman criticized for smiling photograph of herself with dead lion

NEW: Watch Melissa Bachman take down her first moose. A Minnesota-based host of a big-game hunting program caused a worldwide controversy after she posted a picture of herself posing with a male lion she had just shot in South Africa. “An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside...

Anti-LGBT activist slams church over ‘effeminate’ Jesus: ‘He smelled bad… He was a man’s man’

An anti-Muslim retired lieutenant general who now serves as the Family Research Council (FRC) executive vice president recently said he was upset that Jesus had been “feminized” because the Son of God was a “man’s man” who “smelled bad” and had “big,...

Wal-Mart asks employees to donate canned goods to workers who don’t have enough to eat

Employees at an Ohio Wal-Mart store are being asked to donate canned goods to help out co-workers who don’t have enough to eat at the holidays. “Please Donate Food Items Here, so Associates in Need Can Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner,” reads a sign near bins tucked away in an employees-only...

UPDATED: George Zimmerman charged with assault and battery against pregnant girlfriend

Former neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman was arrested following a domestic violence incident on Monday, according to multiple reports. Authorities confirmed to The Orlando Sentinel that Zimmerman had been taken into custody. TMZ also confirmed that Zimmerman was involved in the domestic...

Chain-smoking Indonesian boy has exchanged cigarette habit for overeating

A boy whose cigarette addiction at age 2 shocked the world has traded in one unhealthy habit for another. Aldi Rizal was discovered as a toddler in a poor village in Sumatra, Indonesia, where his mother said he smoked up to 40 cigarettes per day. His story, which gained international attention,...

Bernie Sanders considering 2016 White House bid to represent progressive causes

The U.S. Senate’s lone independent said he’s considering a White House run in 2016 if no other progressive candidates enter the race. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said the cost, constant travel and the intense scrutiny associated with a national campaign would discourage most potential candidates –...
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