Researchers open centuries-old tomb in search of Mona Lisa’s identity
Why is Gibraltar a British territory?
Two confirmed dead, others missing in Connecticut after plane crashes into houses
NOAA’s updated forecast calls for busy hurricane season
The real Elysium: Send your dead loved one into space for $2K
Xenophobic Australian quits election race after Islam gaffe
Android nears 80 percent market share as iOS plummets
GOP Rep. to ‘birther princess’: ‘I don’t even give a sh*t’ about Obama’s birth certificate
Maddow slams Bob ‘Gov. Ultrasound’ McDonnell’s emergency PR tour
Filipino farmers destroy genetically modified ‘Golden Rice’ crops
A group of activist farmers in the Philippines stormed a government research facility and destroyed an area of genetically modified rice crops the size of 10 football fields. According to New Scientist, the farmers say that genetically modified organism (GMO) foods have not been established to be...
Bryan Fischer praises Russia: You’re not homophobic, you’re ‘homo-realistic’
‘Deep Throat’ owners fight on: ‘We’re sending a cease and desist to iTunes’
Poland is getting fracked
Hispanic GOP strategist smacks down Steve King: Get therapy for your ‘melon fixation’
Larry Kudlow wonders if Pope Francis understands freedom
Birtherism bites Cruz: Trump says he’s ‘perhaps not’ eligible to run for president
Fed up with homosexuality, religious family takes ‘leap of faith’ and gets lost at sea
Nelson Mandela making ‘a slow but steady improvement’
A Texan tragedy: Plenty of oil, but no water
Beverly McGuire saw the warning signs before the town well went dry: sand in the toilet bowl, the sputter of air in the tap, a pump working overtime to no effect. But it still did not prepare her for the night last month when she turned on the tap and discovered the tiny town where she had made her...
Gohmert: Opposition to Obamacare is ‘how we got to the Constitution’