Snowden’s father has visa to visit his son in Russia: lawyer
Republican rep. responds to birther: ‘Probably’ enough votes to impeach Obama
Seattle bus driver expected to survive after shooting attack
Doctors recommend Prozac, not Pepto, for children with chronic stomach pains
Bradley Manning’s lawyer: Showed signs of being unfit to serve before leaks
Rick Santorum: ‘There’s no class in America’
Iowa State Fair ‘Butter Cow’ vandalized with fake blood
James ‘Whitey’ Bulger found guilty on 31 of 32 counts of murder, racketeering and conspiracy
New York Mayor Bloomberg to appeal ruling that blocked stop-and-frisk policy
Sen. Mitch McConnell seeks to delay major Obamacare reform
Former Library of Congress employee pleads guilty to harassing ex with fake Craigslist sex ads
NC NAACP slams Gov. McCrory for ‘vulgar misuse of political power’ over voter ID law
Florida man stuffs puppies down pants to steal them
Security cameras caught footage of an unknown Florida man stealing two puppies from a pet store by stuffing them into his pants. According to the Miami New Times blog, Orlando Police Department personnel are looking for the man, who stole the two purebred puppies from the Puppy Store on Monday. The...
Oil and gas drillers rob elderly of royalties they owe retired landowners
Detroit police get email containing all women officers’ bra sizes
We Can’t Behave Ourselves Around You, So You Have To Go
Plastic surgeon defends finder’s fee reward for a ‘size 0 or 2′ wife to CNN
Study casts doubt on so-called ‘hookup culture’
‘Safe’ sugar levels in humans are toxic to mice
Utah man runs for mayorship of town he targeted in teen bomb plot
An 18-year-old Utah man who served time for a plot to bomb his high school is now running to be mayor of his town. The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that Joshua Kyler Hoggan will be on the ballot in the primary election against Roy, Utah city council member Willard Cragun and incumbent Mayor...